Can The Weather Impact Your Health?
3 Types of Weather Which May do That!
When it comes to extremes of weather, there are always health warnings put out by the government. And you have to wonder why. If the weather doesn’t have an impact on our health, then why are health warnings released?
Have you noticed that whenever there’s a specific kind of weather, you feel a certain way? Could it be that the weather is to blame? Could that old saying ‘feeling a bit under the weather’ have any truth to it?
Why do we say ‘feeling a bit under the weather’ and what does it mean? When the saying first entered the English language, it meant to be adversely affected by the weather. This shows that the weather can have an impact on our health, and has done so for hundreds of years.
If you are in tune with your body, then you most probably already know that the weather can impact your health. Various studies have shown that when the weather changes, it can have an impact on human health.
When a thunderstorm is on route, some people find that they feel anxious without knowing why. Others suffer from headaches or find that their symptoms of asthma worsen. Sunny weather can boost our energy levels while rain can cause us to have pain and tension behind our eyes.
There are no two ways about it. The weather can impact our health in a range of ways. What are the most common ways the weather can impact our health? Read on as all is about to be revealed!
Can The Weather Impact Your Health: #1 Cold Weather
How does cold weather impact our health?
When the weather is cold, our blood vessels constrict causing the blood to thicken.
This means it’s more likely to clot which increases your heart attack risk.
Weather changes of any kind, such as temperatures dropping from hot to cold or getting warmer, can trigger migraines.
The good news is that leading a healthy life ~ eating well and exercising regularly ~ can reduce your chances of developing migraines linked to the weather.
You can learn more about eating well here. There are many resources online to learn how to become healthier. It’s just a case of taking the time to visit them.
Can The Weather Impact Your Health: #2 Warm Weather
What’s the impact of warm weather on our health?
There’s also evidence to suggest that warm weather can cause breathing problems. For anyone who has breathing problems, such as asthma, COPD, or chronic bronchitis, the warm weather can make breathing more difficult. This is because hot weather means that we have to breathe harder, as more energy is needed to help keep the body cool.
Dehydration is another common health problem linked to hot weather. That’s why when the sun is shining, it is so important to drink plenty of water. This to prevent yourself from becoming dehydrated.
Can The Weather Impact Your Health: #3 Wet, Stormy Weather
What about wet, stormy weather?
Many people living with arthritis report finding that their joints become stiffer and sorer when wet or stormy weather is on the way.
Thunderstorms are known to cause migraines because of the pressure.
They also cause asthma attacks. Studies show that as well as impacting asthma sufferers, thunderstorms can also cause attacks in people who don’t usually have asthma. Usually, this occurs in people who suffer from allergies.
So the answer is yes, the weather can impact your health. However, that being said, what it’s important to realise is that it’s rarely the weather alone that is the root cause of these health problems.
Normally, lifestyle factors are what cause them to begin initially. The weather just exacerbates these conditions.
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