Are You or A Loved One Wheelchair-bound?
Here are 4 ways around this situation.
Do Not Despair. Don’t Let A Wheelchair Become Your Prison!
If you’ve been mobility-impaired for some time, a wheelchair can give you a sense of freedom. A freedom you may not have felt for some time.
However, it is also easy to become conscious of how people look at you.
Inexcusably, there are some who look at a person in a wheelchair with contempt. They look at a person and see a malingerer, or a drain on resources.
There is also the impact that being in a wheelchair has on your self-image. A wheelchair can bring independence in many ways. However, we all know only too well the obstacles of being wheelchair bound.
Many businesses talk about provision for the disabled including wheelchair access. However, sometimes the reality falls short. A business that has a ramp at the door may have narrow aisles. Or it may have steps up to different sections.
It is understandable that some businesses are not as quick off the mark in terms of a full overhaul. However, this can be a painful reminder of your current situation. Needing someone else help you around places you used to take for granted can be depressing.
As hard as it seems – and often is – a positive attitude is essential. You need to overcome the limitations placed on you. There is a lot of work society still has to do to make things equal.
There’s no wishing away the fact that you’re wheelchair bound. But we can only affect the things we can control. Do what you can on your side. You can make a significant move forward in dealing with your disability.
#1. Raise Awareness Of Issues For Wheelchair Bound People
Buildings and business premises have one chief limitation in common. They tend to be designed by the non-disabled. Great architects may be skilled in taking everyone’s needs into account. Some, though, see a building only through their own eyes. Others may view things from the perspective of non-disabled people.
Raising awareness is essential. Businesses can often get grants to improve wheelchair access. If they know what they need to do, many will do it without hesitation.
From a purely cynical standpoint, this boosts their profile and their customer base. If they’re civic-minded, they’ll do it anyway. This would be regardless of any advantages they may stand to benefit from.
#2. Speak To Support Groups
This can mean that you miss out on employment and development opportunities. For example, getting around is harder because driving presents a challenge.
Support groups will know word for word what equal opportunities legislation means for you. You may be entitled to assistance. You may also be entitled to charity subsidies. These grant various amendments that give you the chance to earn a better living. Your body may be unable to perform some tasks, but your mind can be as sharp as any.
#3. Modify Your Home
In your home, though, it doesn’t need to be such a glacial process. You can make modifications to your home that make life more dynamic. When these are in place, you at least have your end of the bargain in place.
Additions like Terry Lifts for steps around your property can make a huge difference in this respect.
#4. Confound Expectations
The following is a sad fact, but one familiar to anyone in a wheelchair. Because you have a physical disability, some people may think your mind somehow is affected too.
There’s even worse than that! As irritating as this presumption may be, if you let that irritation show, they also pin you as cranky.
The best way to fight back against preconceptions is to show how intelligent you are. If people presume that you’re not up to speed mentally, meet it with good humour. Turn the joke around on them.
Stephen Hawking is in a wheelchair. Is it safe to assume that that person is no Stephen Hawking ?

For anyone who is wheelchair bound, there will be moments when they feel less than perfect. Everyone gets those moments, non-disabled and disabled alike.
Although you may sometimes feel less than perfect, it’s important to never feel less than human. Sometimes society may seem to see you like this. However, the ability to throw those preconceptions back in their face is vital. Know your worth, and show it at every opportunity.
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