Why Avoiding Yoga is Damaging to Your Health
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Are you certain that bending your body in a bunch of weird poses isn’t going to help you live a longer, healthier life despite what the fitness experts say?
You will be amazed at the number of positive health benefits that come with making it a regular part of your exercise routine!
And, because I’d really hate to see you miss out on better health and wellness, I’m going to share them with you now.
Are you ready to feel better, both now and well into the future?
* Practising yoga improves your lung capacity
That’s right. Because yoga involves deep, conscientious breathing, it often results in better lung functioning.
This can help you in so many different areas of your life.
You’ll be less winded when you walk up stairs. You’ll also be able to walk or run farther without having to stop and catch your breath.
And, if you play any sort of sports, you’ll notice that with better lung capacity comes better performance.
So, get your entire team doing yoga, and start your winning streak!
* Yoga Makes You Stronger
It doesn’t seem like it should because you’re not lifting weights or anything, but since you’re lifting your body weight and keeping it in proper form, you’re building muscle in the process.
Maybe you’re not into bodybuilding and could care less how much muscle you have.
But, did you know that the greater your muscle mass, the more calories you burn even when you’re not being active?
So, while you’re sleeping or watching your favorite television program, you’ll be burning the fat right off your body solely because you did your yoga today!
And, if you’re approaching your silver years, you’re starting to lose your muscle if you’re not working it. Keep what muscle you have by making yoga a priority.
* Yoga Improves Your Posture
It may seem kind of hard to believe since yoga bends and twists your body every way but upright, but it’s true. If you do yoga, you’ll have better posture.
The reason is that yoga strengthens your body, which means your muscles are better able to support proper posture.
Plus, if you do yoga on a regular basis, you’re more flexible. Your body isn’t all stiff and achy, which makes it easier to make sure you sit and walk with your shoulders up, back straight and tummy in.
Posture may not seem like a big issue, but bad back position can really hurt your health. For example, did you know that bad posture can give you headaches, jaw pain and gastrointestinal discomfort?
Why not avoid all that and just do some yoga?
* Yoga Is Good for Your Heart
Do you suffer from high blood pressure?
If you do, then yoga may be just the medicine the doctor ordered to help you slow your heart rate down and get your blood pressure back in the normal range.
Lots of research has been done in this area, and it has been proven time and time again that people who engage in yoga on a regular basis have lower rates of heart disease and lower cholesterol levels.
In fact, it has such a positive effect that some doctors have made it a key part of their heart disease programs!
What does this mean to you?
You can lower your risk of heart attack and stroke, or maybe even get yourself off blood pressure medications, simply by adding a little yoga into your life.
* Yoga Reduces Depression
If you feel down and blue and have tried to feel better but nothing seems to work to pick up your spirits, then yoga may be the answer you’ve been searching for.
Those who practise yoga on a regular basis report that it improves their mood. It makes them feel better about themselves and life in general.
Some experts believe that it’s the deep breathing that helps. When you get more oxygen to your brain, you often feel better, have more energy and enjoy a more positiveoutlook.
Other experts think it has to do with the stress relief that yoga often provides. After doing something that makes your body feel good, how can you mind not help but follow along?
And there are still others that attribute the boost in mood to the fact that when you do yoga affects your hormones.
For example, when your body is stressed, it releases hormones called catecholamines. However, when you do yoga, it reduces the production of these hormones.
What’s the result? You end up with a feeling a peace and calm. And how can you feel blue when you are content with life, right?

I know that it takes a different way of thinking to even consider doing yoga, but since it is so beneficial to your health, I hope that you give it a try.
The next health letter is going to give you the secrets that most yoga gurus know that you and I don’t.
So, if you think you learned a thing or two from this one, just wait to see what you learn in the next letter!
See you again soon!
Increased lung capacity, more muscle strength, better posture, improved heart health, decreased incidences of depression and more…
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