Your Stop Smoking Journey
3 Wrong Criticisms from Human Obstacles in Your Way!
But, it’s possible those warnings, given with the best of intentions, don’t help. If anything, it makes your stop smoking journey more stressful. And, what happens when smokers are stressed? They smoke!
And, it’s not only pressure during the smoking process which can become a problem. If an individual does take the leap to quit, pressure can still haunt them and ruin their efforts. This can lead them to smoke even more and feel really guilty and a failure at the same time!
If you’re in the process of quitting, it’s important you don’t let criticisms from others throw you.
To give you some support, we’re going to look at 3 common criticisms (mostly from your friends and family) and discuss why they’re wrong.
Your Stop Smoking Journey: Criticism #1
Cutting down doesn’t count
But people who do choose to cut down are often disregarded. While others may not realise it, criticisms can cause significant damage to a quitter’s attempts.
For many, cutting down is the first step. So, if they manage to half the amount they smoke, it’ll feel like a huge achievement. Until they share that progress, they may get a response like ‘But you are still smoking!‘ and get totally deflated and demotivated.
The important thing to do is not take such comments to heart. As much as this is a personal journey, your achievements are also personal. Other people may not understand, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t valid.
Cutting down the number of cigarettes you smoke is positive.
Your Stop Smoking Journey: Criticism #2
You may as well still be smoking if you turn to quit-smoking aids
There are vape products which still produce smoke. As such, they’re simulators to help you through. Whether there are secondary problems later, like ‘popcorn lungs’, on remains to be seen.
Some people say that since you’re still puffing smoke with these devices, you really have not stopped smoking!
Your Stop Smoking Journey: Criticism #3
You’ve had one, does that mean you’re smoking again?
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