How to Zap Belly Fat for Good!
7 Surefire Ways for Real Results
Losing weight isn’t that hard if you manage to stick to a healthy diet and increase your weekly exercise.
However, dieters will all tell you the same thing – no matter how much willpower you use to stick your new healthy lifestyle, there will always be one stubborn area of fat on the body that just refuses to budge. And that is belly fat!
Even some incredibly healthy people still have a slight paunch that they can’t seem to shift. And this can be very disheartening, especially when you are only a few pounds away from reaching your target goal.
But that’s no reason to give up and keep your fat belly forever. In fact, there are a few tips and tricks that you can keep up your sleeves to pull out whenever you need to zap that stomach fat! Ready to lose some inches? Then read on!
Zap Belly Fat for Good: Surefire Results Tip #1
Eat More Protein
Did you think that fruits and vegetables were the most important food group for losing weight?
If so, you were wrong! It’s actually protein that affects the body’s weight the most. Sure, you need to make sure you get your five portions of fruit and veg a day.
However, without enough protein, you are never going to lose any weight. Especially on your belly!
To lose body weight, you need to add more protein to your diet. That’s because protein can significantly reduce your food cravings. They also give the metabolism a boost so that it burns up to 100 extra calories a day.
Not only that. Consuming plenty of protein can reduce the chance of piling extra fat on the stomach.
Zap Belly Fat for Good: Surefire Results Tip #2
Cut Down On Sugar
Sugar is very unhealthy, even if you eat it in its natural form like honey and agave nectar.
It can have a negative effect on your metabolism, In addition, it also greatly increases your intake of calories.
Some studies have proven that high levels of fructose in the diet increase the amount of fat accumulation around the belly.
If you currently drink a lot of drinks with added sugar, such as carbonated soft drinks and sweet teas, cutting down on these can help you reduce your daily intake of sugar.
Zap Belly Fat for Good: Surefire Results Tip #3
See Your Doc
Many people really struggle with belly fat. The reason is that there aren’t that many exercises that target this area. As a result, it can get many people down. It can even cause mental health issues.
If you are struggling with this weight issue and it is getting you down, consult your doctor to get some help. He might suggest abdominoplasty or licensed diet pills to help you get rid of the last few pounds.
If you go with one of these options, remember that it is important to stick with your healthy diet and active lifestyle. These last-ditch options above will work best only as a supplement to a healthy lifestyle.
Zap Belly Fat for Good: Surefire Results Tip #4
Eat Fewer Carbohydrates
I’m sure you will have heard about the success of carb-restricting diets such as the Paleo and Atkins diets. The main reason why these diets do so well is that they limit the number of carbohydrates that dieters can consume each day.
Many experts believe that reducing carb-intake can help to cut down appetite. This means less snacking throughout the day!
That’s not all, though. Studies also show that the body holds onto carbohydrates and adds them to our fat stores a lot easier than it does with proteins and other food molecules.
So, if you eat a meal that is mainly carbs, you will find that you suffer from bloating. Your stomach will expand slightly.
Zap Belly Fat for Good: Surefire Results Tip #5
Keep A Food Diary
You might not think that keeping a food diary is going to be such a big deal. In actual fact, it can help you to track your food and see what you eat on a daily basis in great detail.
It’s important to keep track of your foods you consume. We can often think that we are following a high-protein diet when, in actual fact, we aren’t.
So writing down everything that you consume can help you review your food choices. You can then see where you are doing well. You’ll also see how you can improve your diet to make it even healthier.
Zap Belly Fat for Good: Surefire Results Tip #6
Look For Viscous Fibre
Thought fibre was fibre, right? Wrong! There are actually two kinds of fibre.
The best that you need to eat is viscous fibre. It is very soluble and simply sits in your gut, lining the walls of the two intestines.
When in the gut, viscous fibre becomes a gel-like substance which reduces the movement of food through the gut. As a result, absorption and digestion are slowed down. This can leave you feeling hungrier for longer after meals.
It is widely believed that eating around 14 grams of viscous fibre each day can do wonders for your weight. It will help you slim down, especially around the belly area!
Need to get more of this fibre in your diet? You will find it in legumes, such as beans and peas, as well as other plants and vegetables.
Zap Belly Fat for Good: Surefire Results Tip #7
Keep On Exercising
If you burn off more calories than you eat each day, you will find that you quickly start to lose weight.
There aren’t that many exercises which target the belly area in particular. However, increasing your metabolism through exercise will help shrink your belly fat.
You should, however, remember that you can’t just spot train and focus on the belly. That means you shouldn’t simply do a hundred sit-ups all in one go! You also need to mix in some cardio and core training.
Getting an overall body workout is the best way to improve your metabolism and burn all those calories. It will also ensure that you are trim all over, helping you to look very athletic indeed!
So, all is not lost when it comes to zapping that belly fat. These great tricks can help you reduce the size of your stomach for good!
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